Magic Internet Money Podcast
Bitcoin 101 with Brad Mills
I fell down the rabbit hole and have been following Bitcoin since 2011. The Magic Internet Money podcast is my evolving journey in the world of cryptocurrency as I try to reconcile my bitcoin maximalist philosophy & my respect for the Austrian Economic, Libertarian, and Cypherpunk roots of bitcoin's creation with the desire to stack BTC by investing in the rest of the space. I hope you enjoy the conversations.
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Zion: The Lightning Social Network
On this episode of Magic Internet Money, host Brad Mills meets with entrepreneur Justin Rezvani to discuss his social media project, Zion. Inspired by a censorship-heavy environment on large social media platforms whose hands are forced by governments, Rezvani introduces a social network that is built on Bitcoin. Mills shares his experiences with the Bitcoin community and concerns with the censorship present on large platforms outside of social media, such as YouTube. Justin discusses his interview with YouTuber JP Sears and other influential voices in the fight against censorship.
Lightning on the Bitcoin Beach Wallet
Nicolas Burtey joins Brad to discuss what it is like building the Butcoin Beach Wallet on the Lightning Network. Nicolas is the co-founder of Galoy Money, a company that works on bringing the lightning network to the people who need it, through open sourced, community based applications.