Magic Internet Money Podcast
Bitcoin 101 with Brad Mills
I fell down the rabbit hole and have been following Bitcoin since 2011. The Magic Internet Money podcast is my evolving journey in the world of cryptocurrency as I try to reconcile my bitcoin maximalist philosophy & my respect for the Austrian Economic, Libertarian, and Cypherpunk roots of bitcoin's creation with the desire to stack BTC by investing in the rest of the space. I hope you enjoy the conversations.
All Episodes:
Dismantling Financial Apartheid
In this episode, Brad Mills, host of the Magic Money Internet Podcast, is joined by Ray Youssef, the founder of Paxful. The two discuss a range of topics during this episode such as Bitcoin, Africa, and the story of how Ray founded Paxful. Today, Paxful is a network with more than 5 million global users, with more than half of them from the continent of Africa. Tune in to hear how Ray Youssef goes from being a serial entrepreneur, to founding the Paxful network, to dismantling Financial Aparthied.
How Does Bitcoin Affect Human Rights?
Alex Gladstein is a Chief Strategy Officer at the Human Rights Foundation which is a registered charity that has been helping protect individual rights in authoritarian countries in the world since 2006. In this episode, we talk about bitcoin being the trojan horse that can supersede all fiat currency as well as helping overthrow corrupt, communist regimes.
Magic Internet Money on the Ledger Cast Podcast
Brad joins Brian Krogsgard, the host of Ledger Cast, for a co-hosted special episode and a wide ranging discussion about Bitcoin, money, central banks, and a bunch of other random stuff.
Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins - Bitcoin Security with Jameson Lopp
Today's episode is with the legendary Jameson Lopp! He's well known in the space as a great adversarial thinker, privacy advocate, defender of bitcoin and one hell of a model American. I hope you guys enjoy this podcast because I learned a thing or 2 from this episode. Enjoy!
Bitcoin, Privacy, and Human Rights with Janine
Today, my guest is Janine! She is a privacy advocate journalist and cypherpunk bitcoiner.
I'm grateful to be able to learn from great thinkers like Janine with such insightful opinions.
I hope you listen to her case for why bitcoin is important, not just as an investment but for privacy and human rights! Thanks for listening to another episode of Magic Internet Money.
How to Sail Against the Winds of Life with Preston Pysh
Preston started talking about bitcoin a few years ago on his podcast which is called “We Study Billionaires” and it's listened to by some of the smartest and most influential minds in financial space. Ever since then, Preston has been one of the best thinkers in the bitcoin space. He's been an instrumental, leading voice in helping coerce Wall Street billionaires and hedge fund managers into taking the red pill on bitcoin and to see the bullish case for why bitcoin is so important.
Phil Mckernan on Purpose Your Relationship with Money
Philip is an Irish author, filmmaker and keynote speaker. He is best known for his Rich on Paper Poor on Life book and his Give & Grow feature film. In 2012, he founded One Last Talk, a live speaking platform that helps ordinary people tell they're extraordinary stories.
FIAT Money is the Problem with Jamie King
Even before Bitcoin, the peer-to-peer movement had caught on, and Bitcoin's explosive success is a validation of its potential. Napster and BitTorrent were pioneers of peer-to-peer file sharing, and people like Jamie King were at the front with peer-to-peer distributed films such as Steal This Film. Brad taps Jamie King to deconstruct all these and more in this episode.
Being a Bitcoin Centrist with Mike in Space
Hope you enjoyed this week’s episode with the incredible Twitter personality, Mike In Space.
The Cotton Bubble Accomplished with Barry Sheehy
In this episode, Brad taps Barry Sheehy, an accomplished author and historian, to talk about the American civil war's economic backstory. The two get together when Brad visits his family on Canada's east coast and is introduced to Barry. Barry has a wealth of knowledge on an array of issues, including what motivated Lincoln to create the greenback, the origins of the Federal Reserve, and Montreal's secret ties with the Confederacy and the cotton bubble. Also, the Covid pandemic has wrought economic woes and exacerbated existing economic inequalities. What will be the end game? Tune in for these and more.
Banks are in, Twitter Hackers are in, Is your crypto safe? with Jordan Harbinger
Hope you enjoyed this week’s episode with Jordan Harbinger,
You can find out more about Jordan here:
Jordan Harbinger is the host of the highly revered podcast, The Jordan Harbinger Show. In this show we talk all about bitcoin, religion, DeFi gambling and the differences between them.
Altcoin Influencers Gave into Greed with Giacomo Zucco
In this podcast we talk about certain influencers in the bitcoin space that typically made lots of sense before the first alt season but were driven off the rails by greed and offerings from alt coin projects with bad intentions. Now they are called scammers and shillers but still make the same points on camera. Does this make them wrong or right? We discuss this throughout the show.
Mentality in the Rigged Game with Chris Plough
Chris Plough is a Bitcoin investor since 2011, that nobody in the Bitcoin space knows about. Chris is an expert investor and a master of personal development for entrepreneurs in a multitude of different industries. In this podcast, we discuss message and mission. Chris highlights some incredible points on the direction of the podcast and the importance of happiness and fulfilment in the mission towards mass adoption.
Dr. Vieira - The Evolution of the Federal Reserve
Few of us really ever question the way things are. That includes the finance system, which could be likened to a house of cards. At the same time, we're at a time in history when a lot is happening at once. Despite rapidly expanding technological and economic growth in recent decades, many people remain on the fringes of opportunity. Add a global pandemic - which has triggered an economic depression and an increasing agitation for racial justice.
Talking Fomonomics with Scott Melker
Hope you enjoyed this week’s episode with ex-DJ and Expert Trader Scott Melker.
In this episode we talk all about the financial markets of the world. Will the world ever get to a place where Bitcoin explodes while the economies of the world destabilize? Scott shows his probable predictions on what that could mean for the 99% and how that could mean things worse overall.
The Future of Bitcoin on the Lightning Network with Alex Bosworth
Alex is a technical program manager from SF. Originally drawn to economics at the University of Chicago, Alex left to pursue software development. Alex started working on open-source software for Enterprise deployments, and in 2007 Alex co-founded an indie mobile software studio in Beijing. Back in the USA in 2016 Alex started working in the Bitcoin industry on backend exchange APIs and helped develop a blockchain project used to provide transparency for the Royal Mint of the United Kingdom.
Thriving Through the COVID-19 Crash with Garrett Gunderson
Garrett Gunderson is an author, standup comedian, financial educator & founder of Wealth Factory.
He's the writer of many bestselling financial books like 'What Would The Rockefeller's Do' & 'Killing Sacred Cows.'
Garrett was one of the few people in the financial industry who was prepared for the Coronavirus Market Crash.
Garrett lost a lot of money during the great financial collapse of 2008, and now he's helping people understand how to get through this crash without losing.
How Much Does the Public Know About Bitcoin? with Esther Vlessing
Thanks for watching another episode of Magic Internet Money.
This week, we conducted a survey with one of North America's leading surveying companies, Hotspex.
In this podcast we sit down and analyse the results with the Hotspex Associate Director, Esther Vlessing who shared some intricate and interesting opinions on the show.
Julian Assange, Trump, & the US Election with Nic Beaton
Hope you enjoy this crossover episode with standup comedian Nick Beaton.
We didn’t talk too much about Bitcoin this episode, it was a shorter one focused around the US election, focusing on the Julian Assange case & how the mainsteam news narratives around Wikileaks is fake.
Bitcoin Good, Altcoins Bad, DeFi Debate with Ameer Rosic
Ameer Rosic is the host of the Ameer Approved podcast, as well as the founder of Blockgeeks. I appeared as a guest on his show a couple of months ago, this is a crosspost! Hope you enjoy.