Magic Internet Money Podcast


Bitcoin 101 with Brad Mills

I fell down the rabbit hole and have been following Bitcoin since 2011. The Magic Internet Money podcast is my evolving journey in the world of cryptocurrency as I try to reconcile my bitcoin maximalist philosophy & my respect for the Austrian Economic, Libertarian, and Cypherpunk roots of bitcoin's creation with the desire to stack BTC by investing in the rest of the space. I hope you enjoy the conversations.

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Bitcoin Skepticism with Greg Thomson

In this episode, Magic Internet Money host Brad Mills is joined by Greg Thompson, a long-time friend and early Facebook game developer who, according to Brad, is a polymath, quite educated, and never got into Bitcoin. When listening to Greg's deeply considered views challenging many perceptions on Bitcoin, it's clear to see why Brad tapped him for a sit-down. Tune in for a conversation with a Bitcoin outsider for refreshing views on whether Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, crypto and taxes, and more.

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