Brad Mills

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GoFullCrypto Crossover Episode

with Keegan and Mrugakshee

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GoFullCrypto Crossover with Keegan and Mrugakshee Brad Mills

In this episode, Brad is joined by Keegan Francis and Mrugakshee Palwe. Keegan and Mrugakshee are behind Go Full Crypto, a podcast and service that helps people transition into crypto. Mrugakshee, being a woman from India, represents the diverse faces in Bitcoin and crypto. As a native of India, what are her Bitcoin lessons? Tune in for this and everything including financial self-custody, hyperbitcoinization, CBDCs, and more. 


00:00:00 - Intro by Brad 

00:03:38 - How Brad discovered and connected with Keegan and Mrugakshee

00:06:33 - Brad on engaging with diverse Bitcoin voices onwards 

00:10:03 - Bitcoin and taxation, libertarianism, and how about pushing Bitcoin on marginalized Cape Breton

00:21:33 - Social disparities Bitcoin can fix - personal experiences by Mrugakshee and Brad

00:34:41 - Discussion on Bitcoiners and the need for empathy 

00:40:40 - Delving into hyperbitcoinization and how it would  manifest 

00:42:57 - Chat on self-custody of keys and role of encryption in self-sovereignty 

00:48:43 - Keegan and Mrugakshee on their families' attitudes towards Bitcoin 

00:51:23 - Politics of universal wealth distribution and achieving universal Bitcoinization 

1:17:13 - Pivot into central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)

1:19:35 - Human rights and privileges and whether Bitcoin's a cure-all

1:37:08 - Elevator pitch by all three on why you should look into Bitcoin 

1:44:05 - Where to find all three 

Podcast Mentions

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Mrugakshee Palwe Instagram

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